Race, gender and the nation: anti Kaepernick memes

HART researcher, Dr Nikolas Dickerson, has recently co-authored with Dr Matt Holder (University of Rhode Island) an article published in the Journal of Sport & Social Issues. The article focuses on the San Francisco 49ers’ quarterback, Colin Kaepernick, who kneeled Continue reading Race, gender and the nation: anti Kaepernick memes

Presentation on cardiac rehabilitation research

HART PhD student, Joanna Blackwell, recently presented her sociological doctoral research at the international PGR Connect Seminar Series, organised by Dr Trish Jackman of Lincoln Sport & Exercise Psychology Group. She is a dual PhD student with the University of Lincoln Continue reading Presentation on cardiac rehabilitation research

Doctoral success


We are delighted to announce that a current HART member, Gareth McNarry, one of our dual PhD studentship-funded students (Universities of Lincoln and Copenhagen) successfully defended his thesis at a public viva held at the University of Lincoln in September Continue reading Doctoral success

High-altitude Mountaineering Multi-disciplinary Research

esearch on high-altitude mountaineers and endurance

In recent years, members of MTOUGH and HART have been working in an exciting research collaboration in a multi-disciplinary and phenomenologically-oriented series of research projects on high-altitude mountaineering, involving in-depth interviews with élite mountaineers across the globe. From a sport Continue reading High-altitude Mountaineering Multi-disciplinary Research

Competitive swimming – new article

Gareth McNarry, a HART PhD student undertaking a dual doctorate with the University of Lincoln and the University of Copenhagen, has recently had published, as lead author, an article on the importance of reflexivity and bracketing in sociological/phenomenological research. In Continue reading Competitive swimming – new article