Paper at International Conference on Mental Health & Wellbeing of Postgraduate Researchers

Lincoln Sport and Exercise Psychology (LSEP) Research and HART members recently presented their research at two international events. The presentations featured work being led by Dr Trish Jackman and Rebecca Hawkins in collaboration with University of Lincoln and international colleagues. Continue reading Paper at International Conference on Mental Health & Wellbeing of Postgraduate Researchers

Rachel Langbein: Presentation at Women in Sport and Exercise Conference

LSEP and HART researcher, Rachel Langbein, recently presented at the Women in Sport and Exercise (WISE) Conference 2021, the annual conference of the Women in Sport and Exercise Academic Network (WiSEAN). This year’s conference, which centred on the theme “Redressing Continue reading Rachel Langbein: Presentation at Women in Sport and Exercise Conference

Jo Blackwell: presentation to European Sociological Association

HART’s Jo Blackwell recently attended the virtual European Sociological Association –  Society and Sport mid-term conference, hosted by the University of Teramo, Italy. Jo had the opportunity to present some of the key findings from the final year of her Continue reading Jo Blackwell: presentation to European Sociological Association

Annual seminar by Sport & Exercise Psychology Team

Postgraduate researchers in Lincoln Sport and Exercise Psychology (LSEP) Research group delivered presentations on their doctoral projects as part of the annual School of Sport & Exercise Science Seminar Series 2020-21. Aided by the virtual format, it was excellent to Continue reading Annual seminar by Sport & Exercise Psychology Team

Annual HART seminar

As part of the School of Sport & Exercise Science Seminar Series, postgraduate research students in HART presented their doctoral research at the initial seminar in the annual series. In addition to HART’s Joanna Blackwell and Georgia Clay, we were Continue reading Annual HART seminar