LSEP Hosts Visiting Spanish Researcher: Miguel Ángel López Gajardo (ACAFYDE Research Group, University of Extremadura, Spain)

Over the last three months, Lincoln Sport and Exercise Psychology Research (LSEP) has been delighted to host Miguel Ángel López Gajardo from the ACAFYDE Research Group, University of Extremadura, Spain for a research visit. Miguel is in the final stages Continue reading LSEP Hosts Visiting Spanish Researcher: Miguel Ángel López Gajardo (ACAFYDE Research Group, University of Extremadura, Spain)

Reflections from HART/LSEP PhD Researchers on Qualitative Research Course at University of Copenhagen

Last month, three PhD researchers from the School of Sport and Exercise Science attended the Qualitative Methods in Sports, Exercise and Health PhD Course organised by the Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. The course, run Continue reading Reflections from HART/LSEP PhD Researchers on Qualitative Research Course at University of Copenhagen

A Successful PhD Defence for Jo Blackwell

Jo Blackwell successfully defended her PhD last September and confirmation of her award was made earlier this year. Her PhD was a dual studentship between Lincoln and the University of Copenhagen, and explored the socio-cultural influences on exercise and health Continue reading A Successful PhD Defence for Jo Blackwell

HART welcome Donna Hall

HART have recently been joined by doctoral student Donna Hall who joins the team on a MPhil/PhD studentship. Supervised by Dr Hannah Henderson, Donna’s PhD focuses on promoting physical activity in older adults and how game-based interventions may impact physical Continue reading HART welcome Donna Hall

Rachel Langbein: Successful PhD defence

The start of this academic year saw HART Researcher Rachel Langbein successfully defend her dissertation research which explored the psychological experience of low energy availability in sport and exercise. Rachel recently reflected on her main findings and experiences of the Continue reading Rachel Langbein: Successful PhD defence