Lincoln Sport and Exercise Psychology (LSEP) Research and HART members recently presented their research at two international events. The presentations featured work being led by Dr Trish Jackman and Rebecca Hawkins in collaboration with University of Lincoln and international colleagues. The first of these is detailed below.
As part of the British Association of Sport and Exercise Science (BASES) Annual Psychology Division Day, Trish and Rebecca were invited to deliver the exercise and physical activity psychology workshop. This divisional event for BASES, the professional body for sport and exercise sciences in the UK, featured nine internationally-recognised speakers, and drew an audience of over 200 delegates for a day full of activities designed for researchers and applied practitioners in sport and exercise psychology.
Taking centre stage during the afternoon session, Trish and Rebecca delivered a workshop based on some of their recent research, in a session titled “Are SMART goals the best approach? Exploring the utility of open goals for physical activity promotion”. The thought-provoking workshop presented some of the potential issues with implementing “SMART” goals for promoting physical activity, before the presenters outlined evidence concerning the potential utility of “open” goals, featuring several recent collaborative studies, including research led by Rebecca published in Psychology of Sport and Exercise.