It’s always uplifting to welcome in a New Year with new publications, and we are delighted to see published two articles on the sociology of performance swimming, led by HART Associate Member and former doctoral researcher, Dr Gareth McNarry. These articles, based on Gareth’s ethnographic research, and co-authored by Prof Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson and Dr Adam Evans (University of Copenhagen), focus on the sociological phenomenology of lived experiences of performance swimming. The first, published in The Sociological Review, and available via Open Access, explores the role of the senses, thermoception and ‘lived’ temperature, together with somatic learning, in pool-based swimming. The second, published in the International Review for the Sociology of Sport, analyses the ‘production’ of performance swimming, and the development of skilled, embodied,
aquatic practices.
- McNarry, G, Allen-Collinson, J & Evans, AB (2021) Sensory sociological phenomenology, somatic learning and ‘lived’ temperature in competitive pool swimming, The Sociological Review, 69 (1): 206-222. Open access here.
- McNarry, G, Allen-Collinson, J & Evans, AB (2021) ‘Doing’ competitive swimming: Exploring the skilled practices of the competitive swimming lifeworld, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 56 (1): 3-19. Here.