We are delighted to welcome Professor Tatiana V. Ryba as an Associate Member. Tatiana is a professor of sport psychology, currently holding research and teaching posts in the Department of Psychology and the Methodology Centre for Human Sciences at the University of Jyväskylä, where she is head of the Winning in the Long Run research group. This group is investigating the developmental trajectories and life design of talented youth athletes, from diverse theoretical and methodological perspectives. Tatiana works with HART colleagues, Dr Noora Ronkainen and Professor Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson, on an EU funded project: Learning and Being in Sport: A Phenomenological Investigation (Learn2).
Tatiana’s other interests include culture, gender, transnationalism and cultivating peace within the self. She is the editor of two books, The Cultural Turn in Sport Psychology (with Robert Schinke and Gershon Tenenbaum) and, with Natalia Stambulova, Athletes’ Careers Across Cultures. She has also co-edited thematic issues, entitled “Decolonising methodologies: Approaches to sport and exercise psychology from the margins” (with Robert Schinke) and “Towards new conversations between sociology and psychology: Applying social theory in micro-level sport and physical cultural contexts” (with Holly Thorpe and Jim Denison), for International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology and Sociology of Sport Journal respectively. Tatiana is currently guest editor, with Natalia Stambulova, of the special issue “Transnational migration in sport and exercise” for Psychology of Sport and Exercise.