Members of HART and Lincoln Sport and Exercise Psychology Research (@LincsSpExPsych), Dr Trish Jackman and Rebecca Hawkins, together with Dr Lee Crust, Dr Christian Swann, and Dr Shaunna Burke, recently published a paper on the psychology of mountaineering in the International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, the highest-rated impact factor journal in the field of sport and exercise last year. This latest publication continues HART’s recent history of publications arising from our combined research interests in mountaineering, including high-altitude mountaineering; for example on endurance work, and lived experiences of ‘sensing’ weather at high-altitude.
The review draws together findings from all studies published on the psychology of mountaineering, spanning more than five decades of research, 69 published articles, and almost 5,000 mountaineers. The synthesis generated novel insights into connections between different research topics in the psychology-specific literature in mountaineering, thus providing a more advanced understanding of current knowledge in this area.
A limited number of free e-prints can be accessed via this link: The psychology of mountaineering: a systematic review