Members of the Lincoln Sport and Exercise Psychology Research Team (@LincsSpExPsych) and HART (@HARTResearch) recently delivered talks on the highly successful international PGR (Postgraduate Research) Connect Series. Organised by Dr Trish Jackman of the Lincoln Sport and Exercise Psychology Research Team, the PGR Connect Series featured more than 20 doctoral researchers from six countries and over a dozen institutions, over the course of the nine-week series.
All four speakers from Lincoln Sport and Exercise Psychology Research Team and HART delivered excellent presentations: Rebecca Hawkins spoke about preliminary findings from her qualitative study on goal-setting in physical activity. Continuing with the qualitative thread, Joanna Blackwell provided fascinating insights into her ethnographic study of sociocultural influences on cardiac rehabilitation uptake and adherence. Rachel Langbein then gave an in-depth presentation of her qualitative work on the subjective experience of RED-S (Relative Energy Deficiency) in endurance performance. Finally, the newest member of the Lincoln Sport and Exercise Psychology Research Team, Ollie Williamson, gave an overview of his upcoming systematic review on goal-setting in sport and exercise. Our congratulations to all these doctoral researchers on excellent contributions to the series.