HART researchers, Joanna Blackwell and Adam Evans, together with international colleagues representing nine countries and a variety of academic disciplines met in Snekkersten, Denmark, to reach evidence-based consensus about physical activity and older adults. It was recognised that the term ‘older adults’ represents a highly heterogeneous population, encompassing those who remain highly active and healthy throughout the life-course to the very old, and oldest-old and frail. The consensus statement is drawn from a wide range of research methodologies within epidemiology, medicine, physiology, neuroscience, psychology and sociology, recognising the strength and limitations of each. The statement distinguishes between physical activity and exercise, and presents the consensus on the effects of physical activity on older adults’ fitness, health, cognitive functioning, functional capacity, engagement, motivation, psychological well-being and social inclusion. It also covers the consensus on physical activity implementation strategies. The statement is available on open access here.