Gareth McNarry, a HART PhD student undertaking a dual doctorate with the University of Lincoln and the University of Copenhagen, has recently had published, as lead author, an article on the importance of reflexivity and bracketing in sociological/phenomenological research. In the article, Gareth and his co-authors and supervisors, Prof Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson and Dr Adam Evans (Copenhagen), address the ‘thorny issue’ of epochē/bracketing when undertaking ethnographic ‘insider’ research.
The paper portrays some of the key challenges encountered by Gareth when researching a group of competitive swimmers, particularly given that he was highly familiar with the world of competitive swimming, having been both a competitive swimmer and swimming coach. The article concludes by suggesting some practical ways in which researchers in sport and physical cultures might approach bracketing in ethnographic ‘insider’ research. The article is published (2019) in the international journal, Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise & Health:
McNarry, G, Allen-Collinson, J, Evans, A B (2019) Reflexivity and bracketing in sociological phenomenological research: researching the competitive swimming lifeworld, Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health.