Our warmest congratulations to HART’s Dr Hannah Henderson, who successfully defended her doctoral thesis recently. Hannah is Senior Lecturer in Health and Exercise science in the School of Sport & Exercise Science, and her thesis was a process sociological study of the complexities of exercise referral schemes. Hannah’s wider research interests focus on the development and evaluation of physical activity interventions, increasing understanding of what is required in designing and delivering effective physical activity interventions. All examiners congratulated Hannah on an excellent thesis and viva performance, and her supervisors – Professor Niro Siriwardena (Health & Social Care, Lincoln), Dr Adam Evans (University of Copenhagen) and Professor Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson (HART) – were delighted with the very well-deserved outcome. Hannah’s publications include a recent article in Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise & Health, based on her doctoral research:
Henderson, H, Evans, A B, Allen-Collinson, J, Siriwardena, A N (2017) ‘Wild and Woolly’ world of Exercise Referral Schemes: Contested interpretations of an exercise as medicine programme, Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, Online early at: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/2159676X.2017.1352018